Case Study


Founded in 1999, Brown+Partners was a well-established print procurement services company with an excellent reputation and strong sales presence in the greater Philadelphia area. They offered a broad array of services including direct mail, commercial printing, promotional products and e-commerce solutions.

Case Study


VividReach Marketing Agency had been a prominent player in the regional advertising space for over fifteen years. They had a small but loyal customer base, reputation for innovative campaigns, yet they hadn't seen significant growth in recent years. They were stuck at 4 million annual revenue no matter what they tried.

Case Study


VividReach Marketing Agency had been a prominent player in the regional advertising space for over fifteen years. They had a small but loyal customer base, reputation for innovative campaigns, yet they hadn't seen significant growth in recent years. They were stuck at 4 million annual revenue no matter what they tried.

The founders, Sarah and James, had built VividReach Marketing from the ground up and had been running it for over 15 years. Despite their success, they felt the company wasn't reaching its full potential, and the owners were feeling drained from being overly involved in the day to day operations. Seeking to enhance its value for a potential acquisition, they partnered with Limitless.


Grew from $4M to $6.7M revenue in 2 years

Increased Profit Margins from 15%-35%

Increased from a $1.4M valuation to a $13M exit

How we got there...

Market Positioning & Service Offerings


The agency had a broad range of services but lacked a clear, distinct market position.


Collaborating with Limitless, they refined their services, focusing on data-driven digital campaigns and niche-specific advertising and marketing strategies. This enabled them to target high-value clients more effectively by speaking directly to their niche’s pain points.


Dramatic growth of 67% in top-line revenue in just two years

Operational Efficiency & Profitability


Operational costs were eating into profits, hindering scalability. They’re service fulfillment was unnecessarily labor intensive due to poor project management, and a lack of Standard Operating Procedures which tanked productivity and dragged out project timelines. 


With Limitless’s guidance, they implemented automation tools for routine tasks, optimized internal processes, created SOPs, renegotiated vendor contracts.


 A reduction in operational costs, and a 20% increase in profit margins.

Sales Diversification & Lead Generation


Reliance on a few key clients for the majority of revenue.


Limitless assisted in diversifying lead sources through targeted online advertising, content marketing, and strategic partnerships. 


A steady revenue stream that reduced risk and made the agency far more attractive to buyers.

"Collaborating with Limitless was the turning point for VividReach. Their insights and detailed, actionable plans allowed us to grow in ways we hadn’t imagined. There was just no fluff of theory, all really concrete strategies to execute. We not only surpassed our revenue goals but also surpassed our exit goals and couldn’t be happier."

- Sarah & James Polito, Founders, VividReach Marketing Agency

Main Takeaways

Enhancing operational efficiency, revenue diversification, and strategic positioning significantly increase a company's valuation. Never limit your goals based on how others are performing in your industry.

Limitless Business

Fort Myers, Florida

(941) 237-0946

© Limitless Business 2024. All Rights Reserved | Privacy and Terms

In a study of 23,158 companies, we found 40% of business owners have one thing in common: They are Rainmakers – the primary revenue driver for their company.

Rainmakers are exceptional at rapidly accelerating business growth, but they eventually hit a ceiling.

Revenue stagnates and business value plateaus, forcing owners to confront the Rainmaker’s Dilemma.

The solution? Become an Architect.

In this eBook you will learn:

  • The defining characteristics of a Rainmaker
  • The one problem Rainmakers will encounter
  • Quantitative evidence on how Rainmakers affect company value
  • The negative impact Rainmakers have on receiving an acquisition offer
  • 9 strategies to transition from a Rainmaker to an Architect

Limitless Business

Fort Myers, Florida

(941) 237-0946

© Limitless Business 2024. All Rights Reserved | Privacy and Terms