By April Stercula

on July 1, 2024

In entrepreneurship, we often hear about the success stories of tech titans. They made billions from owning small stakes in huge companies. But, what if there's another path to success and happiness? It doesn't involve giving away large parts of your company. Today, we'll explore the benefits of keeping a larger stake in your business. Even if it means your company won't reach the high valuations of Silicon Valley unicorns.

By Carrie LaDue

on October 13, 2023

If a lucrative sale and successful exit from your company is the goal some day, hitting the $10 million mark in annual revenue (AR) is a critical milestone to achieve. Of course, a business that does less than $10 million in revenue a year can be sold, but it’s unlikely to hold the ...

By Carrie LaDue

on July 12, 2023

If you're like a lot of founders, you're probably trying to time the sale of your business to coincide with the top of an economic cycle. Given today's headlines, you may be wondering if you have waited too long. However, as this blog will attempt to demonstrate, timing the market is a fool's ...

By Carrie LaDue

on June 30, 2023

Does your business lack organization around basic tasks? Do your employees seem dependent on you, and could they benefit from being more autonomous? Are you wondering what you can do to improve your growing business and its value ?

By Carrie LaDue

on June 01, 2023

Most successful business owners know the value of a strong leadership team. They understand that they can’t personally be in charge of everything, at least not effectively. But what many owners don’t realize is the significant impact that an effective leadership team has on driving a company’s ...

By Carrie LaDue

on May 08, 2023

As an entrepreneur, raising capital is a critical step in growing your business. However, the capital raising process can be tricky, and it's not always easy to convince investors to trust in your vision. That's why it's essential to have a strong investor pitch that showcases your business and its ...

By Carrie LaDue

on April 15, 2023

You can now buy a subscription for everything from dog treats to razor blades. Music subscription services are booming as our appetite to buy tracks is replaced by our willingness to rent access to them. Starbucks now even offers coffee on subscription. Why are so many companies leveraging the ...

By Carrie LaDue

on April 06, 2023

The ultimate goal of any successful business is to create value. One of the often overlooked components of achieving this goal is scaling an organization that runs without you. Some owners focus on growing their profits, while others are obsessed with sales goals. Have you ever considered making it ...

By Carrie LaDue

on March 02, 2023

Serviced based businesses were disproportionately impacted by the pandemic and have continued to struggle due to inflation and a drastic change in consumer behavior. The people who cook for us, keep us fit, and clean our homes have been significantly affected, as a good portion of the population ...

Limitless Business

Fort Myers, Florida

(239) 237-5909

© Limitless Business 2024. All Rights Reserved | Privacy and Terms

In a study of 23,158 companies, we found 40% of business owners have one thing in common: They are Rainmakers – the primary revenue driver for their company.

Rainmakers are exceptional at rapidly accelerating business growth, but they eventually hit a ceiling.

Revenue stagnates and business value plateaus, forcing owners to confront the Rainmaker’s Dilemma.

The solution? Become an Architect.

In this eBook you will learn:

  • The defining characteristics of a Rainmaker
  • The one problem Rainmakers will encounter
  • Quantitative evidence on how Rainmakers affect company value
  • The negative impact Rainmakers have on receiving an acquisition offer
  • 9 strategies to transition from a Rainmaker to an Architect

Limitless Business

Fort Myers, Florida

(941) 237-0946

© Limitless Business 2024. All Rights Reserved | Privacy and Terms